This cord can be painful and limit how you move your arm. Treatment is available for this condition. After breast cancer treatment, there are so many emotions going through your head. And so many...
Lymphedema and You
What Happens to My Health Insurance after January 1st?
Health insurance policies usually start at the beginning of the New Year. You will need to call your healthcare insurance representative to verify that no changes were made to your policy. If you...
Will Lymphedema Therapy “Fix Me”?
Lymphedema therapy is a treatment to educate, reduce edema, prevent infection and wounds, start a home exercise program, and set up a successful maintenance program that the person will continue on...
How Lymph Fluid Exists The Body
Lymph fluid is a mostly clear fluid that flows through our lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes and is made up of but not limited to: water, proteins, cellular debris, vitamins, hormones, fatty acids...
Why Is Water Important When I Have So Much Swelling Already?!?!
Water makes up about 60% of the human body at any given time. It nourishes every cell in our body, regulates our temperature, lubricates our bones, is the transportation for vitamins and minerals to...
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