Occupational Therapy Clinic in Saint Cloud

We prioritize the well-being of patients with lymphedema. Our dedicated focus is on assisting individuals in effectively alleviating pain and discomfort by employing a hands-on approach. We thoroughly assess and treat physical conditions that specifically impact muscles and nerves, aiming to provide swift relief.

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Our Occupational Therapy office follows a three-fold approach to caring for patients.

1. Letโ€™s start by understanding why you are feeling pain or discomfort.
2. The next step is to fix the root cause.
3. Weโ€™ll also show you how to strengthen your body and prevent future problems.

The on-site Occupational Therapists can help you assess and treat any physical condition that affects muscles, nerves, and joints. We will show you how stretching, therapeutic massaging, and joint mobilization can help reduce pain and improve range of motion so that wellness is a part of your daily life.

Our clinics offer cutting-edge treatment in massage therapy, personal training, and occupational therapy. To heal patients, we use the best of each discipline. We have been able to reduce the frequency of treatment and minimize the chance of recurrence.

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