Occupational Therapy in Saint Cloud

Leading You to Your Pathway to Good Health

Most patients feel relief after their first session!

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Top Rated Lymphedema Occupational Therapists in Saint Cloud

If you’re seeking an occupational therapist specializing in lymphedema, we have the ideal opportunity for you. Each member of our team has undergone professional training and holds specialized certification in lymphedema therapy. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored specifically to address lymphedema-related concerns. With our reliable solutions and expert care, you can trust us to provide professional services that prioritize the maintenance and well-being of your body.

Our occupational therapists are proud to create individualized and personal occupational therapy treatment plans that are unique to each individual. They also provide extensive education about how to improve one’s health and prevent future injuries.

Personalized Care from Our Team

There are no two people exactly the same. Therefore, injuries can be different even though they may affect the same body part. Our expert medical team will evaluate your condition and create a customized treatment plan that will get you back on track to being your best. Our staff will guide you through each visit with personalized attention and dedication.

Our Proven 4-Phase Recovery Program

Living with lymphedema can be challenging and disorienting, making you unsure of where to seek relief. At Pathways Therapy Services, our lymphedema treatment specialists are here to guide you on a healing journey. We are committed to providing individualized care, working closely with you to understand the root cause of your discomfort and to develop a tailored treatment strategy to alleviate your lymphedema symptoms swiftly.

Managing lymphedema is crucial, but sustaining the progress made after initial relief can often prove challenging. It’s normal to feel at a standstill once the swelling has eased, unsure of how to maintain forward motion. In this second phase of our occupational therapy treatment, we focus on restoring your mobility, flexibility, and strength, crucial elements in your lymphedema management journey.

Being set back by lymphedema can feel isolating, especially when your condition inhibits you from enjoying the activities you love. It’s understandably frustrating watching life go by as you grapple with this health challenge. This is where our occupational therapy service steps in, equipped to guide your rehabilitation journey. Our lymphedema treatment specialists are devoted to helping you regain your former vitality as swiftly as possible.

After experiencing lymphedema, it’s natural to harbor fears about its recurrence and the associated discomfort. It’s a common concern shared by many in your situation. That’s why our occupational therapy service prioritizes giving you the resources and knowledge to effectively manage and prevent future lymphedema flare-ups. Our dedicated lymphedema treatment experts are committed to facilitating a swift and safe recovery, enabling you to reclaim your normal life as promptly as possible.

Success Stories & Testimonials

Meet Our Team

Denise Comiskey



Lymphedema Therapy

Occupational therapy plays a pivotal role in managing and mitigating the effects of lymphedema. This chronic condition, characterized by an accumulation of lymphatic fluid, can lead to painful swelling in the arms and legs.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a type of therapy that helps people with physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities or impairments perform the activities of daily living (ADLs) that they need or want to do. Occupational therapy focuses on improving..

Post-Op Lymphatic Massage

Post-operative lymphatic massage, a specialized manual technique, is an effective treatment for managing and reducing these post-surgery symptoms. Specifically designed to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid, this massage encourages the body’s..

Pre & Post Oncology Rehab

At the intersection of medical advancement and holistic care, we find an approach uniquely suited to your cancer journey: Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation for Oncology. Our mission is to guide you through the complexities of cancer treatment..

Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is a specialized type of occupational therapy, that is used to treat vestibular disorders. This therapy often includes manual head maneuvers, as well as a progressive program that aims to reduce vertigo, dizziness..

Wound Care

At Pathways, we are proud to offer an all-encompassing range of wound care services, specially curated for patients grappling with the challenging conditions of compromised vascular and lymphatic function. While a host of treatment options are available for ailments..

Live Free of Lymphedema Symptoms in Saint Cloud!

Our team understands that you want to live an active lifestyle that is comfortable and capable. Your body must work in order to achieve that. You are experiencing lymphedema, injury or weakness, which can make you feel confused and frustrated.

We believe that you deserve a body that is fully functional. We know what it is like to be injured,which has led to our success in helping thousands of people get back to their active lives.

This is how we do it:

  1. Tell us your story
  2. Get your customized plan.
  3. Start feeling better.
  4. Conquer your goals.

Schedule an appointment now!

Our Occupational Therapy Programs

We offer top-notch occupational therapy and personalized training programs for patients with lymphedema. We strive to empower our patients by equipping them with the perfect tools and techniques to navigate their lymphedema journey successfully.

The programs are designed to help you achieve your physical health goals. They start with lymphedema management and continue to use corrective exercises to build your body’s strength.

Then, you’ll be doing functional training activities and then the injury prevention phase. This is crucial to keep your strength up and prevent injury.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Need To Send To Pathways Therapy Services Before The Initial Visit?

You will be given access to our web-based secure client portal to complete our intake process. Our clients love the simplicity and can complete all their forms without rushing to get them done before their appointments.

What Should I Expect For The First Visit?

A comprehensive therapy evaluation will be conducted to assess your abilities, limitations, and needs during the first visit. The evaluation is the first step in developing a customized treatment plan focused on your specific circumstances. The therapist will begin by talking with you about your medical history, current health status, past treatment history, medications, and any specific concerns or goals you have. The therapist will also take measurements and perform specialized assessments/testing related to your specific condition. Based on all the information gathered, the therapist and you collaboratively set goals for therapy. You will be advised of the frequency of visits, supplies needed, and a transition path to maintenance after therapy.

Does My Health Insurance Cover Your Services?

Pathways Therapy Services is a Medicare Part B provider. If you are receiving Home Health through Medicare Part A, our service will not be covered at the same time. If you are receiving Hospice Care, medical insurance will not cover us at the same time for the same diagnosis. We also accept private insurance but will need to run your specific coverage to see if you qualify.

What Supplies Might I Need For Lymphedema Therapy?

Supplies needed for lymphedema therapy are usually not covered by medical insurance.  Supplies include but are not limited to short-stretch compression bandages, stockinette, gauze, compression garments, wound care supplies, and adaptive equipment for donning garments.

How Would I Know That Lymphedema Therapy Is For Me?

If you have unexplained swelling, swelling after cancer treatment, swelling after an injury, swelling after surgery, unhealed wounds, swelling since childhood, swelling even after prolonged elevation, or use of water pills (diuretics); then a consultation would be beneficial.

How Would Vestibular Rehab Help Me?

If you have dizziness or vertigo that impacts your life or frequent falls because of imbalance, then vestibular rehab will help to reduce and possibly eliminate all your signs and symptoms. The goal of VRT is to retrain the brain to recognize and process signals from the vestibular system in coordination with vision and proprioception. This often involves desensitizing the balance system to movements that provoke symptoms. Depending on the diagnosis, the therapist may also involve a specialized form of VRT called a canalith repositioning procedure, often referred to as the Epley maneuver.

Why Would I Need Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy works with people of all ages who need specialized assistance to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives due to physical, developmental, social, or emotional problems. Occupational therapists use the “occupations” of self-care, work, and play/leisure activities to increase independence, enhance development, and/or prevent disability. To achieve these goals occupational therapists may also adapt to the task or the environment.

What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

This hands-on technique is a light touch to stimulate the superficial lymphatics of the body. A slow stretch to the skin is all that is needed to stimulate and reroute lymphatic fluid within the body. The natural drainage of the lymphatics is from lymph vessels to lymph nodes to the heart.

How Can Manual Lymphatic Drainage Help After Post Op Surgery?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) helps to increase lymph load and filters lymph fluid which removes cellular debris, removes excessive proteins in the interstitium which can cause fibrosis (hardening of the skin), and removes excess fluid from the surgery site which delays healing. MLD is a gentle stretch of the skin to stimulate lymph fluid to move out of the body through its natural path. MLD is a soothing massage that promotes relaxation and has an analgesic effect.

Will Someone Drain Fluid Out Of My Body?

Licensed massage, occupational, physical, and speech therapists in the state of Florida CANNOT legally drain fluid from your body through incisional or other openings. Incisional drainage should never be performed outside of a surgical/hospital setting due to the risk of infections.

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